Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Battlefield 3! Im Speechless..

Just got over with the E3 EA stall this year. The show stopper was the exclusive footage shown for Battlefield 3. I have never seen a war game so epic before in my life. Atleast this time this game is trying something new. How many times have you actually seen any game developer trying to put something new on the table. They always play their cards safe and create the same game and add a different color tone to their posters with same cinematic moments which their previous games had.

EA is going to shatter the envelope with their new Battlefield 3. This game is nominated for 2011’s Best E3 Game, Best Shooter, Best Game of the Year and many more.

This time DICE is coming up with a new engine for the game which is Frostbite Engine 2. Now if you have played the previous battlefield games, you would have figured out that Frostbite Engine is a revelation in gaming industry. Why? Because whatever you see can be destructible, ever see a person running right in front of you and finally hiding behind the wall of some building to take cover from you, and you now try to figure out where the entrance to that building is.. Well not anymore, Now you blow a hole in the wall with your RPG and create your own entrance! Isn’t that fun? Ooh Hell yeah it is!

Battlefield 3 will be set in modern times and the location will be Iraq and Iran border. The fun part about this is that as Iran lies in the earthquake plate, while playing the game you will be witnessing some hardcore earthquakes, resulting in buildings falling on your face. Yes, you read it right, ON YOUR FACE (Okay, now that’s too much eh! NOT!)

Game will be releasing Late 2011 on PC PS3 and the Xbox 360.

And remember..When Life gives you Lemons, Stop making jokes about them!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Portal - Is the cake really a lie?

The cake is a lie. The cake is a lie. The cake is a lie. Or is it? Well, you have to find that out yourself after you play the most mentally challenging’ly, mind boggling’ly,  nothing according to physics’ingly spectacular game, Portal.
First time when I heard about Portal was when the game “Half Life” was out. Honestly speaking I never ever thought Portal would be such a successful game. What attracted me to the game the most was the line quoted above, “The cake is a lie”. I wont spoil the game here, but while playing the game their will the a computer voice more like “Hal” from “2001: A space oddessy”  which will keep on telling you or more like reminding you that after the exercises or test you have passed their will be a Cake and a party.
When you reach level 12 or maybe level 10 (I don’t remember that well), you will see a wall. Yes, an ordinary wall. Now this could be an ordinary wall illusion. But what you have to do is, explore your surroundings. This way you’ll find out the truth behind the party, the game, the cake, and the computer voice.
Here is a quick summary of the game.

Portal is a single-player puzzle-platformer developed by Valve Corporation. he game consists primarily of a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the player's character and simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (ASHPD, also dubbed the "portal gun"), a unit that can create inter-spatial portals between flat planes. The player character, Chell, is challenged by an AI named GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating system) to complete each puzzle in the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center using the portal gun with the promise of receiving cake when all the puzzles are completed. The unusual physics allowed by the portal gun are the emphasis of this game and are an extension of a similar portal concept in Narbacular Drop; many of the team members from the DigiPen Institute of Technology that worked on Narbacular Drop were hired by Valve for the creation of Portal.

Hehe, now Im quite sure that, most of you have no idea what the hell is written up there. But trust me when you play the game, you’ll know what I was talking about.( A sequel, Portal 2, will be released on April 19, 2011) And please DO NOT Download the game. Go out and Buy it!

And remember - If life doesn’t give you sugar and water together with the lemons, your lemonade is going to be very sour! J

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dexter - Guilt can be a killer.

‎"Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen, again and again. It has to happen. Nice night. Miami is a great town. I love the Cuban food. Pork sandwiches. My favorite. But I'm hungry for something different now" 
I am sure that many of you have watched the show that America loves the most, Dexter. Why is Deter so popular? Why is it Americas favorite cable show? The answer is, because it shows a serial killer in a whole new way.
Honestly speaking, when I didn’t watch the show. I really really hated Michael C. Hall. I don’t know why. But I just did. And when I watched the first episode of the show, at that time I had no idea that this guy will be the lead of the show. Because if I knew I wouldn’t have watched the show. But after watching the first episode of the show I realized that Michael is not a person to be hated at all. Since then I am a fan of his work
Dexter Morgan. Debra Morgan. Harry Morgan. Rita Bennett. These are the lead characters of Dexter. I sometimes wonder. Why is it that only these people have been casted in their respected roles. Why not other  famous actors. I’m sure other actors must have auditioned for the roles. But why THEM? Answer is simple, They blend in with the characters, which is in my sense the most toughest job of an actor. Being the character, speaking the character, doing the character, living as the character. All this is No joke.
One of the most famous examples of such actors are:-
1.       Daniel Day-Lewis. His method acting appears in films such as “My Left Foot,” where Lewis refused to leave his character’s wheelchair, spoke in the broken dialect of an individual afflicted with cerebral palsy and even had crew members feed him. The hard work won the method actor his first Oscar.
2.       Marlon Brando. For “The Godfather” and “On the Waterfront.”
3.       Robert De Niro. De Niro won his first Oscar for “The Godfather: Part II” and earned four other nominations.
4.       Al Pacino. Pacino earned seven Oscar nominations before finally winning his first in 1993’s “Scent of a Woman.”
5.       Jack Nicholson. He received twelve Oscar nominations in his career, the most of any male actor as of 2010, and won for “As Good as it Gets,” “Terms of Endearment” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”
6.       Edward Norton. Edward Norton is another actor who studies the Strasberg method techniques. He earned an Oscar nomination for his first role in a film. When he portrayed the split personalities of a man accused of murdering a priest, it was a tour-de-force.
7.       Christian Bale. Bale dropped to 120 pounds for the film “The Machinist” before working out and gaining almost 100 pounds six months later for his role as Batman in Christopher Nolan’s 2005 film “Batman Begins.”
8.       Forest Whitaker. Forest Whitaker finally won his first Oscar for his portrayal of Idi Amin in “The Last King of Scotland.
9.       Adrian Brody. Adrian Brody won an Oscar for his starring performance in the 2002 Roman Polanski film “The Pianist.” To prepare for his role as a man who lived in a war-torn Warsaw, Brody gave up his car and apartment because he felt he owed it to the Polish Jews he represented in the movie.
And Last But Not The Least.
10.   Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger’s method acting work affected his health while filming “The Dark Knight.” In an interview with the New York Times, he said he felt exhausted and refused to let his mind stop. He filled notebooks with strange, off-the-wall writings as he buried himself in the persona of The Joker. His hard work paid off; he posthumously won an Oscar for the performance.

I am not saying that Michael C. Hall or the other actors on the show are complete method actors. But it looks like they were born for their roles.
I am still watching the show and I hope that there will be a surprise at every corner.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Boring Sundays

Evening all. I have always heard from people that Sundays are boring. Some people don't even think before saying that. Why are Sundays Boring? Why? Ever thought of it? I guess not.

Sundays are not boring at all. Now there is a for and against to this topic. The Against is.. (a) Sundays start a new fresh morning. The sunrise will blend its light in your hearts and make you breathe the fresh air. Now close your eyes and think of it. Imagine that Sunday morning, where you can hear the birds singing and the slow wind blowing, you see the crisp light that fills the sky with energy. You feel it don't you. (b) The moment when you eat your breakfast and hop in the car and before turning your car on..You wait for a while and roll down the windows. You feel the 'Morning Energy' flowing in your body. Then you start your car and drive through the highway to reach your destination. (c) During your journey you smell the special Spice in the wind, and it opens every nerve in your brains. Yes! You feel it!

Now the For.. Well, honestly speaking their is no 'For' to this point. Sundays are a new beginning to a new life. Feel it and Enjoy it.. Until it lasts.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Another blogger.

I know I know, All of you must be going like 'Oooh, Another lifeless person has decided to share his boring life and thoughts with no sense with the audience' Well, speaking honestly, thats the whole point of this Blog. It does nothing! Or maybe it does. Maybe it does for those people who have searched almost everything on the internet now and have nothing to do, or for those people who suddenly have the urge to read something, something written with more realism. Thats me. I'l Do that for you.

Let me tell you why I came up with the idea to blog my life. Its simple, I recently saw 'Social Network (2010)' for the third time and while watching the movie I saw that 'Mark' (Jesse) writes everything that has happened to him on this blog. (And gets in trouble later with that blogging) But still who cares. I want my voice to reach out to whoever is reading this. Or whoever, who has just started yawning by reading this.

From tomorrow on, I will start the daily show of  'My Life' Series. And for all those movie lovers out their (like me), I will also start 'Movie of the Week' Series.
